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2010. június 30., szerda
Lezajlott az 5. LAPSI Csapttalálkozó
Ma: a HUNAGI LAPSI Csapat 5. találkozója
Ma délután kerül sor aLAPSI Csapat 5. találkozójára a Dr. Kovács A. Tamás ügyvédi irodában a belvárosi Falk Miksa utcában. Azon projekt magyar munkacsapatának tagjai, földügyi informatikai, térinformatikai, elektronikus tartalomipari, elektronikus kormányzati, közérdekű adatok hozzáférési, továbbá újrafelhasználási és információtechnológiai szakemberei vesznek részt.
Egyéb hasznos PSI információ a LinkedIn legfrissebb (e heti) bejegyzései alapján:
Quarterly edition following TC in Silver Spring.
2010. június 23., szerda
A LAPSI projekt honlapja
Névjegyként is használható minőségre fejlesztették a LAPSI projekt honlapját, amely azonban nem helyettesíti a LAPSI wiki munkafelületet. Ezzel kapcsolatban a következőket írja:
" i. the website is our official visit card: it will contains the public deliverables, the final policy recommendations and other useful information.
ii. the wiki is our "work in progress" tool. Each deliverable, drafted idea will be posted on the wiki in a first moment; then discussed by both LAPSI members and non LAPSI members who subscribed to the wiki; and only after a post and a discussion the material will be posted on the LAPSI website. "
2010. június 22., kedd
EVPSI blog tevékenység az ePSIplatform portálja számára
"This short message is to announce you EVPSI blogging activity, supported by ePSIplatform.
2 blog posts of Marco Ricolfi have been published on ePSIplatform website. The first is on the subnational dimension of PSI; the second is on re-uses conditions in licenses. Please read the posts here:
We warmly encourage any comments to foster further discussions!"
2010. június 21., hétfő
A HUNAGI LAPSI Csapat 5. találkozója
Azon projekt magyar munkacsapatának tagjai, földügyi informatikai, térinformatikai, elektronikus tartalomipari, elektronikus kormányzati, közérdekű adatok hozzáférési, továbbá újrafelhasználási és információtechnológiai szakemberek vesznek részt.
2010. június 4., péntek
ePSIplatform portál értékelése
2010. június 3., csütörtök
Magyarország nincs az EU és EFTA országok felsorolásában az ePSIPortal PSI Könyvtárában
Jó lenne ennek utánanézni és ha szükséges az illetékesek részéről reagálni erre.
Értéknyerés a közérdekű adatokból
LAPSI szakértő az ePSIPortal honlap vedégblogján
A portál a blog bevezetéséről itt számol be:
A honlap és a vendégblog megoldás jó ötletet adhat a HUNAGI tervezett új honlapja és a HUNAGI Napló ötvözésére, de a Facebook és Twitter lehetőségeinek kihasználására is a tagok, partnerek és az olvasók bevonásával.
2010. június 2., szerda
NOAA engedély közérdekű adatainak újraközlésére
felhasználására vonatkozó kérésre ma megérkezett a válasz, amely tanulságos a közérdekű kormányzati adatok, képek, térképek felhasználása szempontjából:
"Thank you for your inquiry (shown below) sent to our Web site on May 2, 2010. I would like to apologize for the very long delay in replying to your question.
Your inquiry:
'I ask your permission to inform the Hungarian GI community on the Gulf oil spill demonstrating the applicability of Earth observation and SDI in the disaster management and response referencing your website and some illustrations at Image credit will be given accordingly. Thank you for your great service.'
You are welcome to download and use any of the photos on any of our incident pages that were taken by NOAA, the U.S. Coast Guard, or other U.S. government agencies; these photos are in the public domain, and are not copyrighted. We ask that you credit the appropriate agency or person when using photos from these sites.
Photographs from private sources, such as newspapers, are copyright-protected. To use a photo from a private source, we recommend that you contact the source directly to obtain permission to use their photo. Thank you.
Donna L. Roberts
NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration
Emergency Response Division "
Egy hónap elteltével visszalátogatva a NOAA katasztrófaelhárítási weboldalára, ott a terjedési pálya számítására vonatkozóan hasznos bemutató is található:
Az ePSIplatform portálról véleményeket vár az Európai Bizottság
The ePSIplatform web site ( was launched in February 2009. Its aim is to stimulate action, report developments and monitor progress towards a stronger and more transparent environment for the growth of PSI re-use.
The Commission has published a survey to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the ePSIplatform web site in the light of a possible follow up to the service. The questionnaire requires neither personal data nor registration, and is completely anonymous. The survey will end on 18 June 2010.
You are kindly invited to participate in the survey. Your input will be of invaluable help. To participate in the survey, follow the link
Please invite your friends and colleagues who are interested in the PSI re-use subject (existing users of the ePSIplatform web site and/or to be users) to participate in the survey.
Thanking you in advance for your collaboration.
Javier Hernandez-Ros
Head of Unit
Access to Information
Information Society and Media DG
European Commission"
2010. június 1., kedd
Szabad kultúra fóruma - fenntarthatósági modellek a digitális korban
"..Free Culture Forum .. will be held in Barcelona from October 28th to October 31st 2010.
The forum concerns new models for sustainability for the digital era. The dedicated website is not available yet; it should be public in some days.
Because this: a) would constitute a dissemination activity (primer + general contact with stakeholders) and b) would be a chance for WGs to meet and to work on policy recommendations.
1. On October 28th afternoon there would be a panel on PSI and Open data.
This panel would substitute a LAPSI primer which is currently scheduled on October 2011 in Turin (please refer to the LAPSI wiki page).
I have already identified some speakers and topics to be presented. I will communicate you the program once they confirm me their availability. In the meantime, feel free to forward me any suggestions.
2. On October 29th we would schedule LAPSI WGs meetings.
3. On October 30th LAPSI partners would be able to attend the other panels of the Forum. 4. On October 31st all the Forum panelists and interested parties would sit to create a Guide-Handbook for the sustainability of new economic models in the digital era. LAPSI partners would contribute to this Forum achievement by working on LAPSI policy recommendations and merge them with the Guide-Handbook."
About the LAPSI project
Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project
HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.
About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project
About the Team Leader
Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.