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2010. július 27., kedd
PSI és Lengyelország
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2010. július 25., vasárnap
GEO adatmegosztási akcióterv véleményezése
A GEO adatpolitikai dokumentum-tervezetét véleményezésre megkapták a szervezet tagországai (köztük Magyarország) és a társult szakmai szervezetek, köztük a GSDI. A dokumentum az utóbbi csatornán érkezett az alábbi kísérőlevéllel. Amennyiben a LAPSI projektcsapat illetve a HUNAGI tagjai közül bárkinek továbbítandó észrevétele lenne az anyaggal kapcsolatban (klikk a címsorra), azt legkésőbb augusztus 15-ig küldje meg angol nyelven a címre nevével és elérhetőségi adataival, hogy azt a GSDI illetve az OMSZ és MÜI felé levelezői minőségemben továbbítást kérve elküldhessem. Maga a dokumentum jelenlegi állapotában munkaközi anyag 9. változata és nem publikus, tartalma azonban figyelembe vehető és veendő a nemzeti szintű adatpolitikák formálásában.
"Dear GEO Principal,
On behalf of the Data Sharing Task Force, please find attached the Draft GEOSS Data Sharing Action Plan for the Implementation of the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles, for official review by GEO Members. This draft was submitted to the 19th meeting of the GEO Executive Committee, where it was decided that after your official review, an updated Action Plan will to be presented to the GEO 2010 Ministerial Summit in Beijing.
Please send your comments to the GEO Secretariat (Email:, Tel: +41 22 730 8505, Fax: +41 22 730 8520) by Friday, 27 August 2010.
Yours sincerely,
José Achache
Secretariat Director"
About the LAPSI project
Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project
HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.
About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project
About the Team Leader
Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.