2011. szeptember 28., szerda


Mai postánkból. Cristiana Sappa LAPSI projekt menedzser jóvoltából kaptuk meg Daniel Dietrich (The Open Knowledge Foundation www.okfn.org - www.opendefinition.org) alábbi levelét: “Dear #H4T Supporters Could we please ask you to distribute this e-mail message below to your mailing list(s)? Help us to get applicants from as many Member States as possible, we would like to have a nice representation from all over Europe! Many thanks in advance! Best, Herman We would like to draw your attention to a hackathon being organised in Brussels on 8-9 November 2011 within the premises of the European Parliament – focused on transparency. All the info is available at http://www.euhackathon.eu The EUhackathon revolves around two tracks, of which each winner or winning team will be awarded a 3.000,00 euro prize. Deadline for application is 10 October 2011. Apply here: http://www.euhackathon.eu/call4apps/form/ Selected applicants will be invited to come to Brussels for 2 days, their travel and accommodation costs being taken care of by the EUhackathon organisers, courtesy of its sponsors. Oh, and there’s free food! 1. Internet Quality Track This track is about understanding the quality of service delivered by mobile operators to users in Europe. The expectation is that the participants develop innovative and user-friendly multi-platform interfaces to an existing network measurement tool allowing users to know the quality of connection they are getting. The code at the basis of this tool should be the NDT and Glasnost open-source codes available at M-Lab. A special page has been put up by M-Lab for the hackathon here: http://measurementlab.net/euhackathon Global Transparency Track This track focuses on the accessibility of information on the Internet. The purpose is to use the data made available by the Google Transparency Report or other sources like Twitter and research undertaken by groups like, for example, the OpenNet Initiative and Herdict to create new visualisations showing the consequences of censorship and barriers to the free flow of information online, and ensuring users and policy makers get a fuller picture how the Internet is shaped by laws and other government actions. Hope that some of you will be inspired and apply to come and Hack4Transparency!”

About the LAPSI project

LAPSI is a project in the FP7 program of the European Union.
Legal Aspects of the Public Sector Information and Re-use.
Timespan: 30 months. Participants: 20 institutions and organistions. Coordinator: University of Torino.
Kick-off Meeting: Torino, 26-28 March, 2010

Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project

HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.

About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project

Team members:
Piroska Zalaba (FvM FTF www.fvm.hu), dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI www.fomi.hu), dr.József Mlinarics (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), Ferenc Hargitai (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), István Sponga (Neumann-Ház Nonprofit Kft www.neumann-haz.hu), Dr. Tamás A. Kovács (Dr. Kovács A. Tamás Ügyvédi Iroda www.kovacsatamasiroda.hu), Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp, Team leader (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu)

Barkóczi Zsolt (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu), Tóth Sándor (FVM FTF www.fvm.hu)
Klóser Anikó (Meh EKK www.ekk.meh.gov.hu), dr. Marosán Andrea (MeH EKK), dr. Csiszér Gábor (MeH EKK)
Temporal replacements: Éva Harbula for Dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI)

About the Team Leader

Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.