2011. november 30., szerda

LAPSI díjra lehet nevezni a legjobb PSI portállal

Mai postánkból. Cristiana Sappa projektvezető írja: "The winner of the 3rd LAPSI Award on the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal in the EU will be announced during the second day of the LAPSI Public Conference, scheduled for January 23rd and 24th 2012 (see on-line registration at: http://lapsi-conf02.eventbrite.com/) Since PSI availability is crucial for fostering re-use initiatives, the very purpose of the Award is to support any initiative which can be beneficial to PSI re-use policies for moving forward. The Award is open to public sector bodies, businesses and citizens who designed or manage a PSI portal in the EU. A panel of experts will evaluate the submitted projects with regard to the user-friendly design of the portal; the originality and the layout appeal of the portal; the efficacy of the portal in facilitating the access of the PSI; the efficacy of the portal in fostering the awareness on legal aspects of PSI (such as competition, data protection and privacy, intellectual property rights). The Award has received the support of the Italian Infocamere (http://www.infocamere.it/) and as a result, the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal will be rewarded with a prize of 1,000 Euros. Application must be submitted in English by 23rd of December 2011 (16:00 hrs CET). The Call for applications is available at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/call2 The Submission form is available at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/form2 LAPSI is the European Thematic Network studying Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information Re-use. It intends to build a network apt to become the main European point of reference for high-level policy discussions and strategic action on all legal issues related to the access and the re-use of the PSI, namely in the digital environment. The LAPSI Thematic Network is aimed to produced policy recommendations in view of the impact assessment exercise linked to the revision of the Directive 2003/98/EC scheduled for 2012. More info at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/ I remain available for any further details. Kind Regards, Cristiana Sappa Project Manager, LAPSI, www.lapsi-project.eu, and EVPSI, www.evpsi.org Postdoctoral Researcher, Torino Law School Research Fellow, Nexa Center for Internet and Society, http://nexa.polito.it" ______________________________________________ Lapsi mailing list Lapsi@server-nexa.polito.it https://server-nexa.polito.it/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lapsi

2011. november 25., péntek

Eredményes licenc modellek: Ausztrália

Prof.A.Fitzgerald (jobboldalt) GSDI szakértők társaságában. 
Fotó: HUNAGI, 2010
A GEO VIII plenáris ülésen az adatpolitikáról elhangzott előadás HUNAGI referálására válaszként Dr. Anne Fitzerald a Queenslandi Állami Egyetem Jogi Karának profeszora beszámolt az elmúlt 12 hónap ausztráliai eredményeiről is. Leveléből idézek:
"There has been quite significant progress in Australia over the last 12 months or so, with several reports on economic issues as well as very significant uptake of standardised, open licensing practices (with Creative Commons licences now being very extensively applied through the public sector - government, research and education).
For those who might be interested in our recent presentations and consultations (in Australia and overseas) I upload our materials to our websites www.aupsi.org and creativecommons.org.au
 In particular, the presentations and videos of presenters at our Open Government Data conference held at QUT on 23 September 2011 are available here: http://creativecommons.org.au/OGDbrisbane"
Fitzgerald asszony egyben a LAPSI projekt munkájának is aktív részese és remélhetően a varsói LAPSI műhelyt követően a januári brüsszeli, majd márciusi budapesti tematikus szemináriumon is módja lesz részt venni.

2011. november 24., csütörtök

LAPSI 2. konferencia, LAPSI-díj, LAPSI portál

Mai postánkból. Cristiana Sapp projekt menedzser írja:
I. Public Conference: January 23rd and 24th. 
The LAPSI 2nd Public Conference on-line registration is available at: http://lapsi-conf02.eventbrite.com/. Feel free to register at your convenience.

The draft version of the meeting program is available at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/bruxellesprog 
We are trying to finalize the program in the shortest delay. Of course, I will keep you posted on this matter.
I have already asked to some of the partners to cover the expenses of one or two external speakers. I have already received some positive feedback and I thank the partners that help the overall organization by contributing in such a way. However, some external speakers remain unsponsored. Therefore I would ask you if there is any volunteer to cover the travel, accomodation and meals expenses of one (or two) invited speakers. In case, feel free to tell me at your earliest convenience. 
II. Public Conference and Award: Advertising
The LAPSI Coordinator is advertising the LAPSI public conference and the LAPSI award via several sound boxes, such as the local newspaper La Stampa, the Torino Law School press office, several mailing lists (Nexa, OKF, SharePSI, OpenGov, Internet Governance, WIPO LLM, Euopendata). 
Some days ago I sent you a personal e-mail with a short post on the public conference and the award that may be disseminated for advertising purposes. Many of you have already indicated how they are disseminating this post. I really thank you for the collaboration so far. However, please let me encourage you to keep disseminating this post (and inform me on any further dissemination initiative). This is of essence not only for the success of public conference, but particularly for the LAPSI award (so far we have a very limited number of applications and we do count on your initiative for receiving as many aapplications as possible). 
III. Website.
As you know, my colleague Claudio is constantly taking care of the content of the LAPSI website. He recently improved the page "Members" where he introduced the logo of each and every LAPSI partner. Please have a look at it: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/members. Should you send him a thumbnail pictureof the involved resourses as well, this would help him a lot in improving the overall layout of our website. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 
Illustration: Screenshot with Geographical distributon of LAPSI members Created by DiLorenz, 2011

2011. november 23., szerda

EU Digitális Menetrend helyi szinten - LAPSI beszámoló olasz nemzeti és helyi kormányzatok palermói találkozójáról

Mai postánkból. Raimondo Lemma írja a LAPSI projektlevelezésben:
"A quick update on the Palermo session of "Digital Agenda Going Local" - jointly organized by the European Commission and Italian national and local authorities - which I attended yesterday on behalf of Nexa and the Lapsi Network. The workshop was aimed at assessing the current achievements and the remaining challenges with respect to the Digital Agenda key objectives, especially at local level.

I participated into a panel focused on the Open Data (PSI) implementation processes, together with representatives from Italian bodies and the EC as well.  
We were informed that further insights on the foreseen modifications of the PSI Directiveshould be released rather soon. Moreover, the EU open data portal is to be released by Spring 2012. It is also planned to use such portal as a platform that federates the National portals (by 2013). Moreover, the forthcoming Horizon 2020 programme will cover specific themes regarding Open Data. 
I had the chance to present LAPSI as a European network of researchers and institutions providing policy support on the key legal aspects of PSI. Furthermore, I highlighted the role of the regional dimension of PSI (using Piedmont and Italy as examples) with two complementary trends: regulatory competition (valorisation of the distinctive advantages of regions) and cooperation based on best practices, also exploiting network effects (each time a new region opens up data the value of the datasets already provided by first movers is increased).

2011. november 22., kedd

LAPSI 2. Nyílvános Konferencia és PSI portálverseny eredményhírdetés

The LAPSI Thematic Network is currently organizing its 2nd Public Conference that will take place in Bruxelles, on 23rd and 24th January 2012.
The two-day meeting will give the opportunity to publicly present the state of the art of the LAPSI policy recommendations on Public Sector Information (PSI) re-use. The featured policies focus on some of the major legal topics involved with the re-use of PSI; in particular, intellectual property rights issues, privacy, data protection and personal data treatment, competition law aspects.
The LAPSI members will discuss their policies together with external discussants and experts in the field of PSI, as well as with stakeholders and citizens who want to broaden their knowledge around the topics of PSI and Open Data.
The LAPSI 2nd Public Conference on-line registration is available at: http://lapsi-conf02.eventbrite.com/
The 2nd Public Conference will be held at the University Foundation, Bruxelles – Salle Félicien Cattier, rue d'egmont 11, 1000 Bruxelles.
The draft version of the meeting program is available at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/bruxellesprog 

In addition to the scheduled activites, the winner of the 3rd LAPSI Award on the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal in the EU will be announced during the second day of the Public Conference.
Since PSI availability is crucial for fostering re-use initiatives, the very purpose of the Award is to support any initiative which can be beneficial to PSI re-use policies for moving forward.
The Award is open to public sector bodies, businesses and citizens who designed or manage a PSI portal in the EU.
A panel of experts will evaluate the submitted projects with regard to the user-friendly design of the portal; the originality and the layout appeal of the portal; the efficacy of the portal in facilitating the access of the PSI; the efficacy of the portal in fostering the awareness on legal aspects of PSI (such as competition, data protection and privacy, intellectual property rights).
The Award has received the support of Infocamere (http://www.infocamere.it/) and as a result, the most user-friendly design of a PSI portal will be rewarded with a prize of 1,000 Euros.
Application must be submitted in English by 23rd of December 2011 (16:00 hrs CET).
The Call for applications is available at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/call2
The Submission form is available at: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/form2

LAPSI is the European Thematic Network studying Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information Re-use. Itintends to build a network apt to become the main European point of reference for high-level policy discussions and strategic action on all legal issues related to the access and the re-use of the PSI, namely in the digital environment.

The LAPSI Thematic Network is aimed to produced policy recommendations in view of the impact assessment exercise linked to the revision of the Directive 2003/98/EC scheduled for 2012.

2011. november 2., szerda

Térbeli adatok, térinformációk elérhetősége - helyzetismertetés

HUNAGI tagjai és partnerei részéről igény merült fel a térbeli adatok és tematikus térinformációk elérhetőségével kapcsolatban.
A hamarosan megnyíló HUNAGI honlap tartalomkezelő rendszere lehetőséget biztosít arra, hogy minden regisztrált HUNAGI tag, HUNAGI partner INSPIRE adatkörökhöz tartozóan megadhassa a szolgáltatott térbeli adat vagy tematikus térinformáció megnevezését, a szolgáltatás webes elérhetősége URL címét, a kapcsolattartó nevét, intézménye/szervezete megnevezését.
Mindez természetesen nem  helyettesítheti vagy pótolja a geoportálok szerepét, célja csupán az érdeklődők eligazítása az adatgazdák és/vagy szolgáltatók irányában, összhangban a HUNAGI SDIC szerepével.
Barkóczi Zsolt HUNAGI elnök megkeresésére Dr. Mihály Szabolcs INSPIRE tagállami kapcsolattartó  helyzetismertetést adott a kérdéssel kapcsolatban. Ez a HUNAGI SDIC blog legutóbbi bejegyzésében található.

About the LAPSI project

LAPSI is a project in the FP7 program of the European Union.
Legal Aspects of the Public Sector Information and Re-use.
Timespan: 30 months. Participants: 20 institutions and organistions. Coordinator: University of Torino.
Kick-off Meeting: Torino, 26-28 March, 2010

Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project

HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.

About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project

Team members:
Piroska Zalaba (FvM FTF www.fvm.hu), dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI www.fomi.hu), dr.József Mlinarics (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), Ferenc Hargitai (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), István Sponga (Neumann-Ház Nonprofit Kft www.neumann-haz.hu), Dr. Tamás A. Kovács (Dr. Kovács A. Tamás Ügyvédi Iroda www.kovacsatamasiroda.hu), Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp, Team leader (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu)

Barkóczi Zsolt (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu), Tóth Sándor (FVM FTF www.fvm.hu)
Klóser Anikó (Meh EKK www.ekk.meh.gov.hu), dr. Marosán Andrea (MeH EKK), dr. Csiszér Gábor (MeH EKK)
Temporal replacements: Éva Harbula for Dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI)

About the Team Leader

Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.