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2012. december 17., hétfő
Magyarország ad otthont a CLGE konferenciának
ePSIplatform konferencia Varsóban 2013 február 22-én
2012. december 13., csütörtök
Tudományos adatok nemzetközi megosztása és a fejlődő országok
Kép: HUNAGI, 2012
Mai postánkból. A GSDI LandSE szakbizottság levelező fórumán osztotta meg a hírt Dr. Paul Uhlir, a LAPSI projekt nemzetközi felügyelő szakértője (USA Tudományos Akadémia):
Paul F. Uhlir, Director, Board on Research Data and Information ______________________________
Legal-Socioecon mailing list
2012. december 4., kedd
Erős kritika illette az amerikai szövetségi térinformatikai beruházások koordinálatlanságát
(HUNAGI javasolja az érdeklődők számára a levelező címjegyzékére a felíratkozást, ennek adatai alul találhatóak.)
"OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication
2012. november 8., csütörtök
Személyiségi jogok és a globális változás
"6. Privacy rights as a global challenge
With more than 100 on-site participants and almost 4000 remote attendees
through the live webcast, the 2012 Public Voice Conference was, this
year again, a full success. The 2012 edition was held on 22 October 2012
in Punta del Este, Uruguay, in conjunction with the 34th International
Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.
Civil society groups, privacy advocates, data protection and privacy
officials, technology experts and other professionals from different
countries and regions gathered to discuss “Privacy Rights as a Global
Challenge”, including current hot topics such as:
- international approaches to consumer privacy rights enforcement;
- preserving civic participation in public affairs through open
government and citizen engagement;
- cross cultural views on privacy, freedom of expression
and human rights on data collection, retention and use, where EDRi
observer Gus Hosein and EDRi member Meryem Marzouki took part.
Specific panels were also dedicated to identifying the next challenges
for digital privacy protection, taking the global temperature on
consumer and privacy protection and examining the relative merits and
flaws of legislations versus self regulations.
As usual, The Public Voice Conference Program Committee took care of
highlighting the regional situation taking into account the venue’s
country, while assessing at the same time global developments. A
specific panel, moderated by EDRi observer Cedric Laurant, on “Adoption
and Implementation of Latin America's Consumer and Privacy Protection
Laws” was dedicated to the former issue. The latter took the form of a
panel, moderated by EDRi member Meryem Marzouki, which assessed the 2009
Madrid Civil Society Privacy Declaration on “Global Privacy Standards
for a Global World” with regards to recent developments worldwide,
namely the mechanisms currently under consideration by the European
Union (with the new data protection framework proposal), the Asian
Pacific Economic Cooperation (with the implementation of the APEC
Privacy Framework), the Council of Europe (modernization of the CoE
Convention 108), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (revision of the OECD Privacy Guidelines), and the United
States as well (with the US White House plan for a Consumer privacy Bill
of Rights).
The Public Voice Conference is a main project of The Public Voice
Coalition, an international coalition of NGOs and civil society groups
established by the Electronic Privacy and Information Center (EPIC)
since 1996 to promote public participation in decisions concerning the
future of the Internet. Numerous EDRi members and observers are part of
this global coalition, of which EDRi itself is an active member.
Other EDRi members and observers also took part in the following event:
the 34th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy
Javier Ruiz Diaz from EDRi member Open Rights Group (UK) participated in
the Open Data & Privacy panel, where he highlighted some of the
problematic issues ORG has learned from UK experience on open data,
criticising the widespread belief that anonymisation is the easy
solution for open data and privacy. He also highlighted that
anonymisation needs open peer review and responsible disclosure.
Bogdan Manolea from EDRi member ApTI (Romania) represented EDRi at the
"Privacy and Piracy" panel where he focused on the challenges to privacy
of Intellectual Property Enforcement measures and reminded that
ACTA will not be the last attempt to privatise online enforcement in
Europe. He also took the opportunity to highlight EDRi's work on the
guide to the EU Date Protection Regulation available at
EDRi Observer Gus Hosein, took part in the panel focused on the privacy
implications of biometric data. He underlined that these days the
biometric technology is being used extensively in the developing world
by governments and relief agencies, including in refugee camps and for
voter registration purposes.
Next year, The Public Voice Conference will come to Europe, in
conjunction with the 35th International Data Protection and Privacy
Commissioners conference, to be held on 24-27 September 2013 in Warsaw,
2012 Public Voice Conference (with webcast of the meeting) (22.10.2012)
The 2012 Public Voice Conference “Storifyed”
"The Public Voice" - data protection is a civil right (Peter Schaar’s Blog)
Privacy Officials, Advocates Attend Uruguay Public Voice Conference
(EPIC Alert, 26.10.2012)
2012 Public Voice Conference Resources and Documents
The 2009 Madrid Civil Society Privacy Declaration: “Global Privacy
Standards for a Global World” (03.11.2009)
34th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy
Commissioners (23-24.10.2012)
ORG: Response to the ICO consultation on the draft anonymisation code of
practice (28.09.2012)
EDRi-gram is a biweekly newsletter about digital civil rights in Europe.
Currently EDRi has 32 members based or with offices in 20 different
countries in Europe. European Digital Rights takes an active interest in
developments in the EU accession countries and wants to share knowledge
and awareness through the EDRi-gram.
All contributions, suggestions for content, corrections or agenda-tips
are most welcome. Errors are corrected as soon as possible and are
visible on the EDRi website.
Except where otherwise noted, this newsletter is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See the full text at
Newsletter editor: Bogdan Manolea <>
Legal-Socioecon mailing list
2012. október 23., kedd
LAPSI eredmények végső áttekintése Brüsszelben
A projekt minden munkarésze időben le lett adva, ami a projektvezetés érdeme de a közreműködő konzorciumi tagok együttműködését is minősíti.
2012. október 22., hétfő
A magánélet és szabadság az OECD mai technológiai előretekintő fórumán
2012. október 12., péntek
e-Kormányzat hatásvizsgálat Dániában
" Concerning Benefits of eGovernment data to society/economy, see the latest news from Denmark.
The full report can be downloaded from the links in the article.
The financial benefits are also outlined in their brief 3-page 'Basic Data Fact Sheet' ..:.
/Extract on Benefits from “Basic Data Fact Sheet” Danish Min. of Finance, 8 October 2012
/*Financial benefits from open basic data*Once the initiative has been completely phased in, in 2020, there are expected savings for the public sector of about DKK 250 million per year (35 million euro / 43 million USD) as a result of lower administration costs"
2012. október 2., kedd
Térinformáció - etika - GI tudomány
"Call for papers, AAG 2013, Los Angeles, CA (April 9-13)
- geographic technologies are surveillance technologies. The data they produce may be used to invade the privacy, and even the autonomy, of individuals and groups;
- data gathered using geographic technologies are used to make policy decisions. Erroneous, inadequately documented, or inappropriate data can have grave consequences for individuals and the environment;
- geographic technologies have the potential to exacerbate inequities in society, insofar as large organizations enjoy greater access to technology, data, and technological expertise than smaller organizations and individuals;
- georeferenced photos, tweets and volunteered (and unvolunteered) geographic information can reveal private information. Thosedata that are increasingly publically available and used to study societal phenomena raise significant privacy concerns.
- case studies, curriculum development, or the pedagogy of teaching GIS ethical issues;
- issues of privacy, surveillance, inequity, erroneous or inappropriate data concerning geographic technologies;
- codes of ethics and conduct of professional organizations;
- GIS professional development;
- reflections on the changing nature of ethical issues in GIS&T.
- Please register for the AAG 2013 meeting and submit your abstract online following the AAG Guidelines (www.aag.or/cs/anualmeeting/
call_for_papers); - Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than Wednesday, October 20 to Rodolphe Devillers, Francis Harvey, or Dawn Wright
Legal-Socioecon mailing list
2012. október 1., hétfő
Digitális Föld: az elképzeléstől a gyakorlatig: értelmet adni a közösségi adatgyűjtésnek
Volume 5, Issue 5, 2012
The vision of Digital Earth (DE) put recently forward under the auspices of the International Society for DE extends the paradigm of spatial data infrastructures by advocating an interactive and dynamic framework based on near-to-real time information from sensors and citizens. This paper contributes to developing that vision and reports the results of a two-year research project exploring the extent to which it is possible to extract information useful for policy and science from the large volumes of messages and photos being posted daily through social networks. Given the noted concerns about the quality of such data in relation to that provided by authoritative sources, the research has developed a semi-automatic workflow to assess the fitness for purpose of data extracted from Twitter and Flickr, and compared them to that coming from official sources, using forest fires as a case study. The findings indicate that we were able to detect accurately six of eight major fires in France in the summer of 2011, with another four detected by the social networks but not reported by our official source, the European Forest Fire Information Service. These findings and the lessons learned in handling the very large volumes of unstructured data in multiple languages discussed in this study provide useful insights into the value of social network data for policy and science, and contribute to advancing the vision of DE.
Source: Legal-Socioecon mailing list
2012. szeptember 28., péntek
Szlovén szerkesztésű kiskáté a PSI re-use témakörben
"today (as it is the right to know day) we have published a brochure on PSI re-use, titled Information - an inexhaustible source of business ideas.
Here are the links to the English version of the brochure and the message from the IC:
You are welcome to distribute the brochure as widely as possible :) "
2012. szeptember 25., kedd
LAPSI 2.0 várhatóan októberben indul
Forrás: EUROGI Hírlevél 20 12 július/augusztus
HUNAGI ebben a projektben is hasznos partner lesz az EUROGI-n keresztül. Dr. Kovács A. Tamás várhatóan a jogi kérdésekben, a HUNAGI főtitkára disszeminációs téren ad hozzájárulást.
A LAPSI 2 projekt menedzsere és az EUROGI főtitkára társszerzői meghívásával HUNAGI-nak módja lesz a projekt célkitűéseiról beszámolni az ICSU CODATA 32. plenáris ülésén október végén.
Szeptember 22 -én lezárult a LAPSI projekt
2012. szeptember 12., szerda
Az ingyenesen letölthető Landsat felvételek népszerűsége
John Faundeen, Archivist
U.S. Geological Survey
Earth Resources Observation and Science Center
LAPSI előadás Wellingtonban
2012. augusztus 11., szombat
Szabad hozzáférés konferencia
Theme: "Networked scholarship in a networked world: participation in Open Access"
7-8 November 2012
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Given that the Conference will be held in Africa, the sub-themes to be explored are concomitant with the development and transformative agenda of Open Access. The sub-themes are:
- Transformation through Open Access
- Open Access and other forms of openness
- Benefits of Open Access for scholarship and wider society
- Open Access and improving assessment of research and scholarly publishing
- Networked scholarship
Workshop 2: Open Access policy development and advocacy
Workshop 3: Publishing journals using Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Workshop 4: Policy and Infrastructure to Support High Impact Data
Workshop 5: Open Access Advocacy through Academies of Sciences and other National Scientific Organisations
Legal-Socioecon mailing list
2012. augusztus 3., péntek
Nyiílvános vitán a Creative Commons 4.0 licenc
" We were informed that the 2nd draft of CC license version 4.0 is now released for public comment.
- Drafts and related documentation. Here you can view the current draft license text and download the comparison chart between 4.0d1 and 4.0d2.
- Draft 2 Public Discussion Page. Here you can see a summary of changes and links to more detailed explanations of changes.
A CC egy sor országban bevállt licencmodel lett. A torinói LAPSI zárókonferencia egyik eredménye éppen ennek igazolása volt. Ezért is érdemes a Creative Commons legújabban fejlesztett változatának behatóbb megismerése, alkalmazásának megfontolása.
2012. augusztus 1., szerda
Letölthetőek a LAPSI zárókonferencia előadásanyagai
" This is to inform you that the material and the video(s) of the LAPSI-EVPSI final meeting are now available on the websites of the projects:
Project Manager, LAPSI,, and EVPSI,
Postdoctoral Researcher, Torino Law School
2012. július 5., csütörtök
Nyomon követhető a jövő heti LAPSI zárókonferencia
In order to facilitate its organization, please remember to register to the conference here: http://lapsi-final.eventbrite.
The meeting will be streamed on this channel:
The meeting will be simultaneously translated from English/Italian to Italian/English.
The meeting is credited by the Torino Bar.
We will organize some food-for-thoughts dinners on the 9th of July night. Should you wish to join, please register here :
The FFTs dinners are to be paid by each attendant.
2012. június 28., csütörtök
LAPSI eredmények beszámolója a Digitális Föld Csúcstalálkozón
A tematikus csúcstalálkozókat a kétévente sorra kerülő nagyrendezvények félidejében szervezik. Az elsőt Aucklandban rendezték meg a miniszterelnök részvételével (aki azóta az UNEP főigazgatója), a másodiknk a potsdami Földtudományi Központ adott otthont (BCE, HUNAGI résztvevőkkel), míg a harmadik csúcsot Nessebarban szervezték meg (szintén magyar, FÖMI, HUNAGI résztvevőkkel).
About the LAPSI project
Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project
HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.
About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project
About the Team Leader
Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.