Dr. Frederico Morando LAPSI projektszakértő továbbította Ton Zijlstra alábbi levelét:
"I have worked my way through the slides and notes of the SharePSI workshop in the past days. In total just under a hundred barriers were identified, and over 640 solutions/drivers/interventions to surmount those barriers.
That list of barriers and solutions I've then tried to map and cluster, to see what patterns emerge. Those patterns have formed the basis for the discussion summary that is now finished in draft and which I just sent to the EC, Margot and Thomas for feedback.Clusters in barriers that I see:
- Access to data
- Getting from access to reuse to viable business models (the innovation path, transition path for reusers)
- Transition of government
- Cost of transition
- Disrupting existing markets and existing government revenue models
- Linked and federated data as step to maturity
- Licensing
- Privacy
When it comes to suggestions and tried solutions to surmount those barriers you see they cover those same barrier clusters (not surprising, as most barriers were mentioned in the context of also mentioning ways of overcoming them)What also stands out is that "it must come from the top, the middle, and the bottom" is visible in the suggested solutions, but also several other axis of action:
- small to large scale efforts
- short term, medium term, long term actions and aims
- facilitating the transition, vs creating the 'new normal'
and as mentioned
- top, middle, bottom
On all those axis, at each point along the scale, actions/solutions are mentioned. Together we as stakeholders are taking it all on, and all in parallel. Doing things here and now, but with the horizon in mind, you could say. Also because smaller, nearer things help build the case for larger, longer things. "Nobody knows what this is about yet" sums it all up quite nicely (and I mean that in a positive way)
I've finished two maps of the first few clusters of barriers, will continue to build more images.
Please find attached
- a spreadsheet with all remarks I took from the notes and slides- an image that maps out the mentioned barriers connected to the transition process and the cost of transition.
- an image that maps out the mentioned barriers from getting access to data to building viable business on it (the innovation path for reusers)
I would appreciate any feedback whether these maps are interesting to you or not.
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra"