" 1. Bocconi (and LAPSI website). As you may have already read in a previous message, the presentations of the Bocconi meeting are now available on the LAPSI website (header meetings).
Let me add that whenever you have a suggestion for the LAPSI website, you should not hesitate to share it, so that we can improve the website further. 2. Next meetings: London October 20th and 21st -- Brussels January 2012. Thematic Seminar on Selected Deployment and Implementation Issues (with particular attention to the introduction/action of a regulator) and Internal Conference (submission of first policy recommendations of WG1 and WG5).
I have already started to plan these meetings with Prodromos Tziavos (City University of London - host). However, any suggestion is welcome from the WGs of reference and from the LAPSI partners/Advisory Board Members. The program will circulate on this mailing list as soon as it will be drafted. And it will be uploaded on the website as soon as it will be approved by the WG4, the Coordinator, and the Project Officer.
After that meeting we will meet in Brussels on January 2012 for the second LAPSI public conference. The idea is that during that conference each operational WG will present at least one policy recommendation which will be discussed by experts. I have already started to plan this with Cristina Dossantos (CRID). Considered the efforts required in organizing a public conference, should anyone wish to be involved in it, feel free to inform me at your earliest convenience.
3. WGs. The forthcoming meetings will give the chance to submit to the plenary in October and to a broader public in January policy recommendations of several WGs. In particular WG1 and WG5 will submit some policy recommendations in London. The other WGs will submit their policy recommendations in Brussels. More details will be provided by the WG leaders on the dedicated mailing lists. .....
Cristiana Sappa
Project Manager, LAPSI, www.lapsi-project.eu, and EVPSI, www.evpsi.org
Postdoctoral Researcher, Torino Law SchoolResearch Fellow, Nexa Center for Internet and Society, http://nexa.polito.it"
Mint már ismeretes, a HUNAGI LAPSI Csapat közreműködésével 2012 márciusában Budapesten kerül sor a LAPSI projekt tematikus műhelyére liszenc kérdéskörben. Érdeklődők már most írjanak a hunagi@hunagi.hu címre HUNAGI LAPSI műhely tárgymegjelöléssel, hogy rákerüljenek a meghívandók címjegyzékére.
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