2013. november 25., hétfő

Megújult az ePSIplatform

Ma érkezett! A HUNAGI postájából.
“We are pleased to announce the launch of the renewed ePSIplatform!
The team wanted to give more visibility to PSI Re-use and Open Data initiatives around Europe, whilst also enhancing the overall user experience. The renewed ePSIplatform, now has a restructured and redesigned web interface and as well as some additional features to improve navigation and searching.
What’s new?
Firstly, a THEMES section has been created, which structures content by its relevant field, such as Health, Education, Environment and Transport. This allows users who have a specific interest or area of expertise to easily find what they are looking for. This section also increases the visibility of the content proposed by our users.
The COMMUNITY section is a designated area to showcase our members and welcome external contributions from our growing audience. You can also have your own PSI Re-use and Open Data questions answered by using our ‘Ask an expert’ feature, which is also available on the homepage.
All of the News, Cases, Topic Reports and Resources on the platform can now be found in the KNOWLEDGEBASE section.
For those of you who have user accounts on the previous ePSIplatform, your profile and login credentials will remain the same.
We hope that you will continue to contribute to the newly renovated website and we look forward to welcoming your feedback!
Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google for regular updates. 
Best regards,
The ePSIplatform team”

2013. november 12., kedd

Etikai dilemmák az Információs Társadalomban

HUNAGI postájából. Az ICSU CODATA részéről Horst Kremer küldte az alábbi figyelemfelhívást:
News from the CODATA_International eNewsList follows from here:
Call for PapersCommittee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE)
Ethical dilemmas in the information society: how codes of ethics help to find ethically based solutions
FAIFE Satellite Meeting 2014 in collaboration with Globethics.net.
Date14-15 August 2014
LocationGeneva, Switzerland

2013. október 24., csütörtök

Ma: az első LAPSI 2.0 konferencia - Ljubljanában

A szlovén oktatási minisztériumban ma tartják a LAPSI 2.0 projekt konferenciáját, melyen az EUROGI részéről Francois Salgé alelnök és Simon Vrecar főtitkár vesznek részt, ez utóbbi házigazda minőségben. Amint az a HUNAGI által szeptember 16-án már meghírdetésre került, a rendezvény a közadatok újrahasznosításának jogi szempontjaival foglalkozik. Bővebb információ: itt
Konferencia programja: LAPSI 2.0 1st Conference - 24/10/2013 : PROGRAMME
HUNAGI LAPSI blogja sok hasznos háttérinformációval és előzménnyel:
lapsihu.blogspot.com ahol június 19-én letölthetően közreadtuk a PSI Irányelv új változatát.

2013. szeptember 16., hétfő

LAPSI 2.0 konferencia Szlovéniában

HUNAGI mai postájából:
Kate Lance PhD írj a GSDI L&SE szakbizottság levelező rovatában:
1st LAPSI 2.0 conference: The new PSI directive: what’s next?
24 October 2013
Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The LAPSI 2.0 Thematic Network will hold its 1st conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
LAPSI (Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information) 2.0 is a Thematic Network funded by the European Commission under the 2007-2013 Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013. LAPSI 2.0’s objective is to identify the remaining legal barriers and obstacles to access and re-use of public sector information (PSI) on the European content market, and to propose measures and tools to stimulate the progress of the European market towards open data. It will build on the policy recommendations made by the first LAPSI network to provide guidance and advice on how to overcome the legal obstacles hindering the development of the open data ecosystem.
With the new PSI directive as its central theme, the LAPSI 2.0 conference will be the event of the year for interested in legal issues relating to PSI and open data. So if you will be involved in or impacted by the new directive, you should be there! You can expect highly interactive and stimulating sessions about the impact of the directive in the field, the implications of the directive for the cultural sector, licensing, privacy, and the best ways to ensure compliance.
A draft programme of the conference can be found here: http://www.lapsi-project.eu/lapsi-20-conferences

2013. augusztus 8., csütörtök

Locationomics - a helyadatok értéke

HUNAGI mai postájából. Roger Longhorn írja a GSDI szakbizottsági portálján:

"Locationomics - the Value of Location

In a recent article by Jim Warner, COO of the Location Forum, published in the the LBx Journal online (see http://www.lbxjournal.com/articles/locationomics/260449), Warner defines location data as "the basis for location-based services and applications, … any data with an implicit or explicit geographic or geospatial reference. This includes any data derived from GPS and mobile devices, geo-tagged or geo-referenced images, video, audio, and text documents, satellite and aerial imagery, maps and GIS systems, IP address location, location-based applications, and address information from public documents, surveys, or product registrations."
Warner says that this is "a much broader definition than the spectrum of services identified by Google" in the reports they commissioned from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Oxera "to place a monetary figure on the geo-services economy. BCG estimated the U.S. geospatial industry generated $73 billion in revenues and 500,000 high-wage jobs. Oxera estimated that globally the geospatial industry contributes to $274 billion in revenues across the value chain of companies, governments, and individuals who utilize geo-services."
Using Warner's definition, " the vast majority of data an organization touches are location-based or have a location component, which means that every business process is location-based. Not everyone realizes that yet. Welcome to the world of Locationomics."
Roger Longhorn
Communications Director,
GSDI Associationwww.gsdi.orgral@alum.mit.edu "
Rogern Longhorn a szöveget még kiegészítette néhány fontos európai vonatkozással:
"GSDI Association member EuroGeographics, along with 29 partners, including 15 of Europe's geodetic, cadastre, land registry and mapping authorities are combining their knowledge skills and experience to deliver the European Location Framework (E.L.F.). The project to initiate the first phase, supported with funding from the European Commission, started on 1 March 2013. More information from the project website below:
At the same time, the European Union is establishing the European Union Location Framework (E.U.L.F.) under its ISA programme - Interoperability Solutios for European Public Administrations - trying to build on the significant work being undertaken in creating a fully harmonised and interoperable pan-European (28 EU Member States) SDI - the INSPIRE initiative.

Legal-Socioecon mailing list

2013. július 14., vasárnap

2013. június 19., szerda

Az Európai Parlament elfogadta az új PSI irányelvet. Letölthető az új változat!

Mai postánkból. Dr. Katleen Janssen a LAPSI 2.0 projektvezetője írja LinkedIn fórumán:

European Parliament approves new PSI directive!

On 13 June 2013, the European Parliament formally adopted the updated EU rules on the re-use of public sector information. On 25 April the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy had already voted positively on the final text.

European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes said: "Today we can celebrate our efforts to bring government data closer to citizens and businesses in Europe. We are finally getting the much needed legal framework to boost the economy and create new jobs".

The directive will have to be transposed in 24 months from the data of entry into force. The full text of the new directive as it was adopted by the European Parliament can be found here:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=TA&reference=P7-TA-2013-0275&language=EN&ring=A7-2012-0404

FÖMI és a Magyar Posta Zrt közreműködésével indul a Közhiteles Címnyilvántartási program

Bővebbet itt

2013. június 6., csütörtök

Állami nyilvántartást érintő bírósági ügy Izlandon a PSI Irányelv 6. cikkelye alapján

Mai postánkból. Dr. Katleen Janssen LAPSI 2.0 projektvezető írja LinkedIn fórumán:
New EFTA case on charging under Article 6 PSI directive

On 29 April 2013, the Reykjavik District Court has made a request to the EFTA Court for an Advisory Opinion in the case of Creditinfo Lánstraust hf. v Registers Iceland and the Icelandic State, on the possible charges for the re-use of PSI under article 6 of the PSI directive. This is the first case where the exact scope of article 6 comes into question, so it will be interesting to see the outcome!
For more information, see http://www.lapsi-project.eu/new-efta-case-charging-under-article-6-psi-directive."

2013. május 29., szerda

A téradat-infrastruktúra törvény friss adatpolitikája Dél-Afrikában

Mai postánkból. Kate Lance PhD (Yale Egyetem) írja a GSDI Jogi és Gazdasági-társadalmi szakbizottság levelező fórumán:
South Africa: proposed Spatial Data Policy published for commentNational Gazette No 36470, 17 May 2013, Vol 575
The South African Department of Rural Development and Land Reform published on May 17, 2013 two draft policy documents in the national Government Gazette (No. 36470) in support of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Act (2003): a) Policy on Pricing of Spatial Information Products and Services, and b) a) Data Custodianship Policy.
The policy on pricing seeks to make spatial data more affordable, and it intends to bring about consistency in the way the pricing policy is applied in the public sector.
The data custodianship policy seeks define the criteria for appointment as a data custodian. It also aims to promote cooperation between the various data custodians.
All interested individuals and organizations are invited to comment on the policies in writing, and to direct their comments within 30 days of publication of the policies in the Government Gazette to: The Director General, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, Private Bag X 833, Pretoria, 0001 for attention of Ms. Martha Maroale Chauke, Tel. (012) 312-9643. Email: mmmchauke@ruraldevelopment.gov.za"
A GSDI szakbizottsági levelező fórumra itt lehet feljelentkezni: www.gsdi.org


2013. május 12., vasárnap

A Sentinel adatok nyílt és szabad adatpolitikájának gazdasági hasznáról - az Európai Távérzékelési Vállalkozások Társulásának tanulmánya a

Kate Lance PhD, Yale írja mai levelében_
EARSC Open data study - Final Report
About GMES and Data: Geese and Golden Eggs: A Study on the Economic Benefits of a Free and Open Data Policy for GMES Sentinels Data
The European Commission has been working with the European Space Agency (ESA) to establish a system of satellites – the Sentinels – to provide Earth Observation (EO) imagery from around the world. This data will be used to provide
information services in support of public policy notably for the environment and security. Hence theacronym GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment and Security.
For a long time it was assumed that the data delivered from GMES would be free to public policymakers, but not for other users. Increasingly, a number of stakeholders, most notably ESA, have argued that it would be more effective to offer this data free of charge to all users. The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) supports this policy as offering the best way to help the emergent EO services industry to develop and indeed to establish itself as a world leader.
Since many governments, especially at the European level, favour the move to free and open policies for all types of government-collected data, it would seem logical to apply this policy to GMES data. In this study, the authors start to bring together the arguments and ideas from the work on PSI re-use and the issues and needs for exploiting GMES.

Legal-Socioecon mailing list

2013. május 10., péntek

The Economics and the Commons Conference (ECC)

Kate Lance PhD (Yale) írja a GSDI LSE vitafórumára írja:
The Economics of the Commons Conference (ECC)
22-24 May 2013
Berlin, Germany
ECONOMICS AND THE COMMON(S): FROM SEED FORM TO CORE PARADIGM seeks to open up some new vistas in politics, economics and culture by exploring the commons as an alternative worldview and provisioning system. A rich array of commons – in nature, cities, civic life, the Internet, and many other realms – are showing that commons can provide stable, equitable and ecologically benign alternatives to conventional markets. The Economics and the Commons Conference (ECC) will expand and empower this work by exploring the commons as a coherent field of inquiry and action. It will convene approximately 240 commoners -- researchers, practitioners and advocates from around the world -- to explore the relationship of conventional economics and the commons, showcase key actors and initiatives, and devise plans for moving the commons paradigm forward. Special care will be taken to avoid a “sectoralization” of commons discussion because the organizers believe that a coherent “general narrative” of the commons nurtures global social change and applies across many different sectors of commoning. 
Substantive discussion at the conference will focus on several key themes:
-The commons as a way to move beyond conventional economics;
- Alternative economic and provisioning models;
- The transformations needed to move to a new type of economy. 
Among the questions to be asked: What core principles of commoning can be identified across different resource domains? What makes a commons so generative? In what circumstances can commons-based provisioning models substitute for conventional markets, or interact constructively with markets? How can the protection and re-creation of the commons be made an integrated part of productive processes?

The Economics and the Commons Conference (ECC) will be hosted by the Heinrich Böll Foundation (hbf) in cooperation with the Commons Strategies Group, The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation and Remix the Commons. Optional side-events on topics such as communications strategies for the commons, governance of global commons, and others, will be held on May 21-22 and 25. 
Legal-Socioecon mailing list

2013. április 22., hétfő

:A PSI irányelv módosítási javaslatának COREPER szövege

Mai postánkból. Simon Vrecar az EUROGI Lapsi projektfelelőse írja üzenetében Trough the LAPSI2.0 project we received the official version of the COREPER text of Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/98/EC on re-use of public sector information   http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/13/st08/st08469-ad01.en13.pdf   which has been published in the Council Register.   Best regards Simon Vrečar   ============================================ ZAVOD CEKTRA - Centre for Knowledge Transfer Slovenska 21 SI - 2000 Maribor SLOVENIA   tel: +386 590 33 9 33 fax: +386 590 33 9 33 mob: +386 41 69 35 37 ema: simon.vrecar@cektra.org web: http://www.cektra.org fbo: http://www.facebook.com/Cektra twi: http://twitter.com/cektra ============================================  "

2013. február 17., vasárnap

Landsat és Sentinel összehangolt adatpolitikája

A napokban jelent meg a HUNAGI Naplóban a Landsat 8 és a Sentinel 2 együttműködése az LDCM műhold felbocsátása kapcsán. Mai postánkban: Roger Longhorn adta közre a GSDI LSE szakbizottság fórumán a Landsat 8 (NASA/USGS) és a Sentinel 2 (ESA/Astrium) adatpolitikájáról az alábbi hírt. A Landsat adatok korábbi ingyenessé tételével nagyságrendekkel nőtt az adatlehívások száma nem csak a kormányzati szervek, de az ipar is hasznát vette.
FYI ref Landsat Business model:
NASA's Lawrence Fridl on the Landsat Business Model: "The open data sharing policy is a foundation of the Landsat business model. In 2008 USGS made all, now, 3.7 million satellite images freely available to the public. Besides following a use-taxpayers-money-only-once principle, it was believed that the increased accessibility would inspire more innovative projects both publicly and privately. And the use of Landsat data exploded. From some 25000 downlinks pr year to 3 million downlinks! In some ways it is similar to the freemium business model. It works. Although the largest user group are governmental improving services within homeland security, water management etc, there are some major enterprises to be found as well. Google is one of the most prominent users of Landsat data but we have also seen innovations like ESRI's ChangeMatters [http://changematters.esri.com/compare]."
Lawrence Fridl is one of the GEO community's ambassadors for showing the socio-economic benefits from Earth observations.
Extract above is from the online article by Bebte Lilja Bye of Science 2.0 (www.science20.com) at:

It is equally interesting to see the recent joint announcement from NASA/USGS and ESA on closer collaboration between Landsat 8 and the ESA Sentinel missions. Sentinel's data policy is belowfrom a presentation made by the European Space Agency at a workshop in January 2012:
Sentinel Data Policy = full and open access to Sentinel data to all users
• Aim for maximum availability of data & corresponding access services
• Support to increasing demand of EO data for  climate change initiatives  implementation of environmental policies In practical terms
• Anybody can (has the right to) access acquired Sentinel data
• Licenses for the Sentinel data are free of charge
• Online access with users registration including acceptation of generic T&C

Well done, ESA!" - írta Roger Longhorn a GSDI Outreach and Communication szakbizottság társelnöke

2013. február 13., szerda

Már csak egy hét az ePSIplatform varsói konferenciája

Mai postánkból. Ton Zijlstra az ePSIplatform közösségi pásztora írja:

"We are just over a week away from the ePSIplatform 2013 Conference in Warsaw. With over 300 participants and 40 speakers from 30 countries, the event will be a key open government data community meet-up this year! The Conference will be preceded by a workshop on the value of open government data to the public sector itself, and followed by international Open Data Day. Together with our partners Centrum Cyfrowe and the Cyber Law group of the University of Warsaw, we are eager to welcome all participants to Warsaw the coming week! See the exciting program we have prepared: http://epsiplatform.eu/content/conference-program
At the ePSIplatform you will find the European PSI Scoreboard. It shows the state of open government data across the EU, and does not just look at legislation or government actions, but also takes into account community activity and uptake. We are expressly inviting your feedback on the collected scores. And of course, the underlying data is available for download! See http://epsiplatform.eu/content/european-psi-scoreboard

Powered by INSPIRE is taking place in Brussels on 4 and 5 March. INSPIRE is the European effort to harmonize geodata across the EU, so it can be used in the EU single market.
Stakeholders from across Europe, but mainly UK, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands will gather for two days. Interpreters will be present. See 
http://www.poweredbyinspire.eu/ for program and free registration."

2013. február 7., csütörtök

A Google számára készült idei Oxera jelentés 150-270 milliárd dollárra becsüli a geoinformációs szolgáltatások piacát.

Postánkból. Kate Lance írja a GSDI L-S levelező fórumán:
Report: Benefits of Geo services to global consumers (Oxera, January 2013)
Google has published an Oxera report that estimates the revenues from global Geo services at $150 billion to $270 billion per year. For context, these findings suggest that this growing industry is already larger than estimates of the size of the video game industry, and generates around one-third of the annual revenue generated by the airline industry. 
This study is one of the first to consider Geo services as an industry in itself, encompassing all digital mapping and location-based services. Use of such services is increasing rapidly, with applications of the technology ranging from electronic maps that are accessible online and via smartphones, to satellite navigation and imaging, and location-based searching. 
This study aims to quantify the impact of Geo services on the world economy and consumer welfare. For the purposes of the study, this impact has been divided into three broad categories:
– direct effects—the footprint of the Geo services measured according to the revenue generated by firms developing and providing Geo services and the value that they add;
– consumer effects—the benefits that accrue to consumers, businesses and government from using Geo services, over and above the value that may be paid for any services (ie, the revenue accounted for under the direct effects category); and
– wider economic effects—the benefits that accrue from Geo services improving efficiency elsewhere in the economy, by creating new products and services and creating cost savings that cannot be generated by other sectors."
HUNAGI ajánlja minden érdeklődő számára a felíratkozást a fórumra, melynek elérhetősége és a leíratkozási címe:
Legal-Socioecon mailing list

2013. február 2., szombat

Izlandon 2013. január 23. óta ingyenesek az állami digitális térképek és földrajzi adatok

Dr. Kate Lance osztotta meg az izlandi bejelentést a GSDI Jogi és szociógazdasági szakbizottsága levelező listáján. Érdemes a bejelentés indoklási részét is figyelmesen olvasni.
Iceland: National Land Survey making digital cartography free of charge
As of 23 January 2013, digital maps and Spatial Data held by the National Land Survey of Iceland (NLSI) have been made free of charge, as determined by Svandís Svavarsdóttir Environment and Natural Resources Minister. The data is used in various projects of state agencies such as registration, planning, nature conservation, natural hazards, energy, research and public projects, but they also benefit the public and businesses in various ways.
The purpose of making digital maps and Spatial Data free of charge is to ensure that the general public in Iceland is guaranteed easy access to authoritative information about the environment and nature of Iceland. The goal is also to encourage increased use, processing and dissemination of this data, for example in the field of tourism, public administration and education.
Magnús Guðmundsson, Director General of National Land Survey of Iceland said: "This is a great day for Iceland, and for NLSI. The authoritative information that we painstakingly collect and process is now available to more people who will put it to new and exciting uses. We are fortunate to have a beautiful and unique landscape in Iceland, NLSI is proud and priveledged to have responsibility for recording every detail of it. Now more people will benefit from what we do!"
NLSI map data is available for download on their website, http://www.lmi.is/ without charge.
See also: NLSI making digital cartography and geographic information free

2013. január 15., kedd

Fegyvertartók térképe - a szabad vélemény-nyílvánítás és a személyiség jogvédelme

Mai postánkból. A kanadai Carleton Egyetemről Tracey P. Lauriaulttól érkezett aktuális hír a GSDI szervezet Legal & Socioecon szakbizottsága fórumának levelező rovatában:
Information Maps, Freedom of Expression and Privacy
Legal-Socioecon mailing list
Illusztráció a cikkből. Interaktív tematikus térképek a fegyvertartási engedéllyel rendelkezőkről, a lejárt engedéllyel rendlkezőkről: Forráshely. Teljes cikk a newtowni tragédia kapcsán: http://lohud.us/W1Ybx8
Az adott térség interaktív térképét felhasználva bárki tájékozódhat az érvényes, lejárt fegyvertartási engedéllyel rendelkezőkről (nevükkel, címűkkel). A térkép részletességét egy második képernyőkép illusztrálja.

About the LAPSI project

LAPSI is a project in the FP7 program of the European Union.
Legal Aspects of the Public Sector Information and Re-use.
Timespan: 30 months. Participants: 20 institutions and organistions. Coordinator: University of Torino.
Kick-off Meeting: Torino, 26-28 March, 2010

Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project

HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.

About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project

Team members:
Piroska Zalaba (FvM FTF www.fvm.hu), dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI www.fomi.hu), dr.József Mlinarics (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), Ferenc Hargitai (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), István Sponga (Neumann-Ház Nonprofit Kft www.neumann-haz.hu), Dr. Tamás A. Kovács (Dr. Kovács A. Tamás Ügyvédi Iroda www.kovacsatamasiroda.hu), Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp, Team leader (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu)

Barkóczi Zsolt (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu), Tóth Sándor (FVM FTF www.fvm.hu)
Klóser Anikó (Meh EKK www.ekk.meh.gov.hu), dr. Marosán Andrea (MeH EKK), dr. Csiszér Gábor (MeH EKK)
Temporal replacements: Éva Harbula for Dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI)

About the Team Leader

Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.