2013. augusztus 8., csütörtök

Locationomics - a helyadatok értéke

HUNAGI mai postájából. Roger Longhorn írja a GSDI szakbizottsági portálján:

"Locationomics - the Value of Location

In a recent article by Jim Warner, COO of the Location Forum, published in the the LBx Journal online (see http://www.lbxjournal.com/articles/locationomics/260449), Warner defines location data as "the basis for location-based services and applications, … any data with an implicit or explicit geographic or geospatial reference. This includes any data derived from GPS and mobile devices, geo-tagged or geo-referenced images, video, audio, and text documents, satellite and aerial imagery, maps and GIS systems, IP address location, location-based applications, and address information from public documents, surveys, or product registrations."
Warner says that this is "a much broader definition than the spectrum of services identified by Google" in the reports they commissioned from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Oxera "to place a monetary figure on the geo-services economy. BCG estimated the U.S. geospatial industry generated $73 billion in revenues and 500,000 high-wage jobs. Oxera estimated that globally the geospatial industry contributes to $274 billion in revenues across the value chain of companies, governments, and individuals who utilize geo-services."
Using Warner's definition, " the vast majority of data an organization touches are location-based or have a location component, which means that every business process is location-based. Not everyone realizes that yet. Welcome to the world of Locationomics."
Roger Longhorn
Communications Director,
GSDI Associationwww.gsdi.orgral@alum.mit.edu "
Rogern Longhorn a szöveget még kiegészítette néhány fontos európai vonatkozással:
"GSDI Association member EuroGeographics, along with 29 partners, including 15 of Europe's geodetic, cadastre, land registry and mapping authorities are combining their knowledge skills and experience to deliver the European Location Framework (E.L.F.). The project to initiate the first phase, supported with funding from the European Commission, started on 1 March 2013. More information from the project website below:
At the same time, the European Union is establishing the European Union Location Framework (E.U.L.F.) under its ISA programme - Interoperability Solutios for European Public Administrations - trying to build on the significant work being undertaken in creating a fully harmonised and interoperable pan-European (28 EU Member States) SDI - the INSPIRE initiative.

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About the LAPSI project

LAPSI is a project in the FP7 program of the European Union.
Legal Aspects of the Public Sector Information and Re-use.
Timespan: 30 months. Participants: 20 institutions and organistions. Coordinator: University of Torino.
Kick-off Meeting: Torino, 26-28 March, 2010

Role of HUNAGI in the LAPSI Project

HUNAGI contribution is related mainly to the Geographic Information which are produced, maintained and used in land management, including surveying, mapping, cadastre and land registration, remote sensing and serviced by relevant spatial data infrastructures. From a national economic point of view, the uniform land registration system operating in Hungary is one of the most important databases of the country. This system allows to obtain over the time updated legal and geometric data, as well as other information (e.g. on ownership, land uses, mortgages, etc.). The cadastral maps integrated into the uniform land registration system show spatial relations and references of rights, facts and other information appearing on the property sheets, serving as a basis of engineering planning for the national economy. The national spatial data infrastructure can be built on this uniform, authorized and public land registration system, in small partial modules, following the EU INSPIRE Directive. HUNAGI will participate to all Working Groups and actively take part to Working Groups 01, 03 and 04. It also makes its facilities available to host one of the thematic network seminars or conferences.

About the HUNAGI Team of the LAPSI Project

Team members:
Piroska Zalaba (FvM FTF www.fvm.hu), dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI www.fomi.hu), dr.József Mlinarics (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), Ferenc Hargitai (MATISZ www.matisz.hu), István Sponga (Neumann-Ház Nonprofit Kft www.neumann-haz.hu), Dr. Tamás A. Kovács (Dr. Kovács A. Tamás Ügyvédi Iroda www.kovacsatamasiroda.hu), Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp, Team leader (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu)

Barkóczi Zsolt (HUNAGI www.hunagi.hu), Tóth Sándor (FVM FTF www.fvm.hu)
Klóser Anikó (Meh EKK www.ekk.meh.gov.hu), dr. Marosán Andrea (MeH EKK), dr. Csiszér Gábor (MeH EKK)
Temporal replacements: Éva Harbula for Dr. Szabolcs Mihály (FÖMI)

About the Team Leader

Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp is Secretary General of Hungarian Association of Geo- information/HUNAGI. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (Budapest) and a second diploma in automation in geodesy. Among his numerous experiences he has been part of the EU Acquis-related institutional development project (1998-2006), of the EC INSPIRE Experts Team (2001-2006), and of the Drafting Team, National SDI Strategy (2004-2006). He also took part to ePSIplus activities.